Gabriel Orłowski
Black Magic | 21.01.2018

I glide my tongue against my tooth. Its' rough surface reminds me that it's still organic. The metabolism of the bone tissue has noticeably slowed and the structure has begun its’ entropic metamorphosis. A broken fragment comes loose, in other places there are recognizable abrasions. Through the decrements, the inside becomes visible – black and carious. There is nothing to distract from focusing on infinity. New dynamics are breathed by puffs and hums into this phase space. Their surfaces become blighted; the varnish wears away, old, dried-up paint grows brittle and falls. The exterior decomposes along its' foundation in an undiscriminating act of self-vandalism.
That which was once milky-white, pristine, appears now as a greyed lead filling. In time, all things are revealed to be authentic or counterfeit. From instability comes new power; stated parameters conserve themselves. The thermodynamic system naturally shifts from one state to another.
Stroboskop is pleased to present Black Magic, a site-specific photographic installation by Gabriel Orłowski for the 2018 edition of Warsaw Gallery Weekend. Referring to his works as “para-documentary investigations into the obscure,” Orłowski focuses on the tensions between reality, fiction, and language, each phenomenon staging a distinct atmosphere for its’ own attack, decay, sustain and release.
For this exhibition, Orlowski has created an installation of photographic images. Both organic and digital in origin, the images are printed in a combination of dimensions and materials, featuring both archival and temporary processes. Each element contains its' own dynamic of reverberation.
Orłowski is a Warsaw-based photographer, new media artist, and musician who received his MFA in the Photography Department of the Polish National Film, TV, and Theatre School in Łódź. He has exhibited his works in solo and group exhibitions across Europe, including the Agnes B. Galerie du Jour in Paris (2014), Galeria Leto in Warsaw (2015), and Zigutamve in Vienna (2018). Orlowski was recently named a "Young Lynxes" by Contemporary Lynx Magazine, which is a listing of the most notable young Polish artists (2018).
Stroboskop presents Gabriel Orłowski for Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2018 | 21-23.09.2018