Art Forms: Bodies, Objects, and Empathy
Discussion with Dr. Asiya Bulatova, Léann Herlihy, and Jul Zabowskx

Image: (left) alternative cover to Viktor Shklovsky's unpublished book on cinema, (center) Jul Zaboskx studio image, (right) Léann Herlihy performance ‘Trojan Horse’ (2019)
Join us on Thursday, 13.06, at Karrot Kawiarnia (ul. Częstochowska 20) for a talk with art and literature theorist Dr. Asiya Bulatova and artists Léann Herlihy and Jul Zabowskx.
In her talk, Dr. Bulatova will explore the dynamic between the presence of individual bodies in artistic production (e.g. as a subject, object, and tool), and embodiment and action as experiences of all living bodies. She will talk about early Soviet theories of creativity and link these ideas with the physiological state of creative bodies and theories about what happens to bodies and minds during the production and consumption of art.
The talk will conclude with an open discussion on the role of nonhuman bodies, and the questions they pose about the limits of kinaesthetic empathy produced in different art forms, at which time we will invite the artists to contribute to the conversation as related to their practices and experience of art-making.
The discussion will be open and conversational, we welcome questions, comments, and observations.
Serdecznie zapraszamy w czwartek – 13.06 do kawiarni Karrot (ul. Częstochowska 20) na rozmowę z krytyczką teoretyczną Dr Asiy’ą Bulatovą i artystami Léann Herlihy i Jul Zabowskx.
W swoim wystąpieniu Dr Bulatova zbada dynamikę między obecnością poszczególnych ciał w produkcji artystycznej (np. jako podmiot, przedmiot i narzędzie), a ucieleśnieniem i działaniem
jako doświadczeniem wszystkich żywych ciał. Opowie o wczesnych radzieckich teoriach kreatywności i połączy te idee ze stanem fizjologicznym ciał twórczych i teoriach na temat tego, co
dzieje się dzieje z nimi i umysłami, podczas produkcji i konsumpcji sztuki.
Dyskusja zakończy się otwartą rozmową na temat roli ,,nieludzkich'' ciał oraz pytań jakie one stawiają na temat ograniczeń empatii kinestetycznej produkowanej w różnych formach sztuki.
Zaprosimy artystów do udziału w rozmowie związanej z ich praktykami i doświadczeniem w tworzeniu sztuki.
Dr. Bulatova earned her doctorate at the University of Manchester and has held fellowships in Romania, the UK, and Singapore. She has been in Poland since 2017 and has fallen hopelessly in love with kiszone ogórki while working on her book on human agency in Russian Formalist theories of creativity and early-Soviet biomedical research. Dr. Bulatova is currently a Marie Skłodowska Curie research fellow at the University of Warsaw.
Léann Herlihy is Stroboskop's current exhibiting artist. In Herlihy’s work, the body is central as both a site of political imposition as well as a field from which the political emerges. Refusing the careless instrumentalisation of specific theory or ideology, her work probes both invisible and discarded power structures which have been occluded by history, clouded by rhetoric, and generally subjected to sustained erasure under the logic of late capitalism. Often reflecting on ancestral accounts of State-sponsored repression, Herlihy believes that these historical moments of collective resistance may hold resonance in our current social and political experiences.
Jul Zabowskx works with interactive media such as sculpture, video games, and VR. They embrace low-key aesthetics and poor/homemade mechanics, refusing to take part in the accelerating rat race of always having/using state-of-the-art technologies. They are interested in the space where technology intersects with human vulnerabilities: digitally mediated relations, presence, absence, bodily surrogacy, nostalgia for things lost, and desire for things that are obviously not doable. Zaboskx is Stroboskop's next exhibiting artist.